For Christmas my mother-in-law gave Chris and I beautiful journals with a talk by Elder Henry B. Eyring called 'O Remember, Remember'. It is a wonderful talk about writing down what we are greatful for, so we don't forget all our many blessings(my synopsis doesn't do it justice, it's a wonderful talk!). Along with the talk, she gave us personalized letters that she wrote. While reading them on Christmas morning, more the one eye was filled with tears. After the cats dried their eyes (Chris and I are much to macho to cry) we started to talk about all our many many blessings. Just a small fraction of them are listed below, we truly have been blessed!
First and foremost is the blessing of both of us being born of goodly parents. My mother-in-law with her steadfast example of faithfulness, which helped our faith stay strong! My father-in-law with his quiet devotion to his children. Who else would drive an hour every couple of saturdays to help Chris with the baby room remodeling? My mom with her unceasing compassion, waking up at 1 am to rush to the hospital when I sliced my foot open. My dad with his humor and support, who still comes to my horseback riding lessons and takes pictures of me(I'm 28 mind you),and feeds horses with me almost every day because I'm prego. They all have taught us how to gain our own testimonies by building a foundation with their testimonies. Even loving us through the crazy teenage years!
Chris and I were blessed to find each other in a distant land far, far away. At the College of Eastern Utah. How Chris ended up at CEU is quite a story, but you don't have enough patience for that story right now (those of you that haven't skipped this part). Call it fate or serendipity, but we know the real name "blessed".
Our 8 years have been amazingly wonderful! But most of all fun!!!
We have been blessed with a cute little house, that my need a little work here and there, but it is home sweet home. Silly pets(and a big stubborn horse). The opportunity Chris had to go to school and get his masters and be able to do something that he truly loves! Cars that run, work that pays the bills. Brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews that support us, Friends old and new, Church callings that help us grow. For the past and for the future, which is currently hybernating in my belly :) We have been truly blessed!