Thursday, December 20, 2012

My Elf Trumps Your Elf

Elf on the shelf is pretty cool. Especially if you are one of those super creative, super prepared, super consistent kind of people. Does the Brown family have an Elf on the Shelf? You may be asking yourselves that very question, because inquiring minds want to know... right? Come on people, did
 you just read the second sentence of this post?
But don't you worry, just because that little red suited, slightly creepy eyed, cut you hair in the middle of the night kind of elf does not reside on the Brown's shelf, I assure you that Babyface still gets the joy of having an elf visit her just in time for the 12 days of Christmas.  Her little buddy might not bring her elf sized, cheerio sprinkled donuts or make snow angels in the flour but he does bring her a little present each day of the 12 days leading up to Christmas...except sometimes he skips a day and has to bring two presents in one day. Silly little elf. On a separate note, my mom is awesome. And on another separate note, I hope she doesn't read this and find out that the elf has not been as consistent as she would have liked.
Now you may be wondering how the advent calender is going

Day 6

Day 7
Day 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
(Because we are so consistent, we might have had to do 1 or 2 days together...or 8)
Grandma Brown took the whole fam. on the Provo Christmas Cruise. It was so much fun. You know the pouring down rain kinda fun! Chris and I love taking our little bundle of joy (wait until you see the picture of babyface on the cruise) around. She gets so excited over anything and everything. She was a little more quiet then usual. That 's what 40 layers of clothes will do to you

Grandma Brown and Grammy Page are sure making the holidays fun for our little Nora!

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