Wednesday, October 23, 2013

If Wishes Were Horses

It's no secret around these parts that I am definitely trying to brainwash my little cowgirl to loving horses
          My plan seems to be working she loves to go and feed the horses. She loves filling the hay nets with little handfuls of hay and carrying the grain buckets. Such a good little helper. I am pretty sure horses will be her calling. Show jumping here we come
Chris has other plans
    It's a tough argument. I mean look at that baby's pen holding form. She was only 1 in this picture.
She loves writing her name, which she has been doing for months... every once and a while needing a little help with the N and R depending on the day. 


Her favorite thing to draw is happy faces
Yesterday Chris was busy working on the remodeling project and I was busy deep cleaning the little artists and the new Babyloves bedroom  (can I just state, that for the record, I'm crazy and love to clean, I have baseboard day at least once a month, a lot of times 2x a month. It's a day were I sanitize and wipe the baseboards and door frames and everything else in site. Me being crazy, not just nesting)
Nory Bug came running in saying, "Look at my kitty, look at my kitty."
We didn't expect what we saw. We didn't expect what our 2 1/2 year old had come up with when left to her own devices
(Not only did she produce this awesome picture, she just happened to draw it on expensive transfer paper which I had left on the table. She colored on every sheet of it, but just look at that cat, definitely worth it!)

I feel I should state, we are so excited to see what this beautiful baby will have a passion for and the phases she will go in and out of. In no way will we force her to love something (well... I will force her to hate monkeys and country music because, well come on, both are just gross :)). We will just give her a world of experiences to enjoy.
Chris and I talk all the time about how excited we are to meet the new Babylove and see what she will love to do, how she will be similar to Nory and how she will be different.
Life is beautiful people. And we plan to live it!

But let it state on the record how super cute she looks in her cowgirl get up!