Saturday, March 16, 2013


Spring and I have a love-hate relationship.
Who doesn't love a little sunshine, flowers (Chris hates flowers...what the? Who hates flowers), and baby animals. I like all of those things, especially the baby animals! But for me spring also means a very muddy pasture and the knowledge that in a month it will be way too hot for my body to function properly.
Luckily, the pasture has dried and I was able to brush away my big, blue horse's red winter coat, revealing his sleek, blue coat.
And what can beat flying a kite and watching Nory Bug repeatedly drop the kite string so Chris had to chase it across the field.

I will enjoy the spring until the temps reach a very uncomfortable 70 and after the red tickles that number on the thermometer, even though I will be enjoying my lazy summer days, I still will be counting the days down to beautiful fall weather :)

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