Sunday, May 4, 2014

32 and Counting

32. What? When did this happen? 32, you heard me right people, 32. No worries, it's cool. I'm not too worried about it. I can face that number in the mirror. The reflection that stares at me doesn't feel 32 although the semblance has a few more wrinkles than I remember.

I forget sometimes that I'm not that slightly wild, free spirited 18 year old any more. I'm much more grounded...sure, grounded, we'll go with it.
For my birthday Chris surprised me with Ellie Goulding tickets. The concert was golden. She sounded so good live. That night my slightly wild, free spirit collided with my mildly grounded, mom of 2 persona.
We got to the concert and first thing headed up the stairs to get a good, less crowded spot to relax and let our ears take in the vocal stylings of the blonde songstress .
Watching the youngsters below it became very clear I was no longer that 18 year old.

 As I watched those crazy kids, the salt flavored nastalga hit me hard. I remember the excitement of my first concert. It happen to be at that exact venue, the Saltaire.

I was doing extremely well keeping that free spirit in check. And then Ellie Goulding stepped on the stage. Her voice, like a siren's song, calling my inner teenager.

And suddenly, there I was pushing my way through sweaty, tightly packed bodies. My kind, supportive, strapping hubs following that slightly wild 18 year old me.

The number attached to this body may read 32, securely grounded wife, and mother of 2. But the fine print definitely reads with a heaping serving of free spirited spunkiness.

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