Thursday, May 19, 2011

Don't Judge Me

I really did not mind being preg-o, I never got too miserable. I was still feeding horses the night before I went into labor. But there were a few simply pleasures that were a little hard to give up. It has been one long year of not doing this...

So rain, rain go away come again another day, so that I can ride my big, blue horse!
Another one of my simple pleasures that I'm glad to have back(do not judge me), raw hot dogs. I love to eat raw hot dogs. I just can't wait the point three seconds it takes to cook them in the microwave and frankly,(the pun is for Chris who thinks this practices of eating raw hot dogs is disgusting)I love them and their yummy, slimy goodness! Now don't judge me, you should try them(although my judgment might be a little off because I have licked a giant slug for $5 and on Mother's Day I licked a snail so that my niece would lick one.)
Even though giving up riding my horse and eating raw hot dogs was hard, look at the perfect baby that two very imperfect people made.


Barbie said...

I love me some raw hotdogs. I just can't help myself. They are delicious. I won't eat a hamburger unless it's burnt to a charred crisp, but raw hotdogs...bring it on.

Kara said...

I prefer hotdogs blackened over a fire. I won't judge you if you don't judge me. And yes, I TOTALLY get what you're saying about IT'S ABOUT TIME! There are some things that are very VERY good to have again after being without them--even for something as wonderful as a baby.

"E" is ADORABLE. I wish I could hold her and get her to smile at me. :)

The Adams Family said...

Im glad you got to ride your horse again!

Today when I was making Addy a hot dog, she said "I don't wanna cook the hotdog bone..I want it cold and daddy let me have one cold:)" A girl after your own heart! (yes she called it a bone)

Cute pics!