Monday, April 9, 2012


Those of you that have stopped by and read my life story unfolding upon the pages of this blog, may have been clued into the fact that I might have a touch of the crazies. I might have the tendency to get a little obsessive excited about things. Just ask Chris how much he loves when I find a fabulous new song to listen to and how many times we have to listen to it(it may or may not be just shy of a million).
Elanora's very 1st birthday may just attest to the madness that is floating around in my brain. But in my defense, I was on spring break and I had some extra time. Also I'm pretty sure the amount of decorations used for the party has a direct correlation to how much I love Elanora.
My Grandma Page made beautiful cakes for all her Grand kids birthdays. For my 1st birthday, the cake topper was a carousel, which my mom happened to still have. I loved the idea of using it for Nora's cake so it became the inspiration for her whole party. I wanted to used the beautifully bright colors in the carousel in all the decorations.

This concludes the boring reading part of the blog, now that that is out of the way we can proceed to the picture overload portion of this blog. *NOTE- NOT ONE OF THE DECORATIONS IDEAS I USED CAME FROM PINTERST, I REPEAT NOT ONE. EVERY THING CAME FROM MY OWN VERY BRILLIANTLY CREATIVE MIND.

This was on the ceiling of our front room and it may seem a bit extravagant but I assure you it was not, I only used one screw in the middle of my newly painted ceiling to hold all that craziness up.

This is the yummy treat table, full of healthy snacks to send home with all my nieces and nephews

The watering hole

I made otter pop slush, which was super tasty(and remember I came up with this stuff on my own, wow!)

A little more decor

If you thought that the cake on the treat table was a little crooked, you may have been right. It was hard to stack those layers. And don't get me started on the frosting job I did.

Baby face liked it, frosting and all

She just shoved too much in her mouth causing her to gag a wasn't because my baking skills are lacking

Don't worry more pictures and excitement to come!


Debbie said...

Looks like she had a fun birthday!!

Kara said...

Happy Birthday to Eleanora! AND you're HIRED for my kids' next b-day party decorations (because you know how creative I am). I'll call to set up an appointment. :)

P.S. We are moving back to UT at the end of June so I think a reunion is required, no? We'll be living in Roosevelt and I have it on good authority (see previous posts on your own blog) that you love the Uintas. Or we could come to you...or meet half way...or in Switzerland for all I care! I just want to see you (and play with that adorable baby!).