Sunday, October 6, 2013

Final Count Down

The count down is on. This new little Babylove is only 5 short weeks away from coming into this crazy world and joining this super crazy family. Man, we are so excited, mixed in with a whole lot of terrified.  2 babies, I am definitely not responsible enough for 2 babies. Ready or not
(This counts as my 35 week picture, look at that crazy huge belly)

 Chris and I are always super organized and always planned out. Lists and checking them off and such. For example, When I went into labor with Nory love on my due date mind you, I definitely had my bags packed and ready to go. I didn't have to dig out all the camping stuff to look for a bag hidden in the back of the closet and I didn't have to do a load of laundry because I had plenty of clean underwear to take to the hospital, of course I did, duh it was my actual due date.
Now because we are so organized, is it any surprise that about 4 months ago we decided that we should rip out the plastery walls in our bedroom so we could add insulation and nice, new sheetrock?


Heaven knows that there isn't anything more comfortable, when 8 months pregnant and sleeping on a mattress in the front room. I really love rolling in and out of a mattress on the floor every 3 hours to go to the bathroom at night.

I seem to be having a little deja vu. The night before Baby face #1 was born, the paint was just drying and we pretty much slid her crib into place before we loaded into the car to go to the hospital. But it worked out great, she came home to a non asbestos walled bedroom complete with insulation and a super cute set up (I would post pics of her room but they are on my currently crashed computer).

Just wait until you see the finished product. Chris can do some pretty awesome stuff, all with just a picture I found on the internet. I do feel bad because when I was prego with Nory Girl I strapped on a ventilator and mudded, sanded and painted with the best of them. But this go 'round I have been feeling pretty crappy. Sick about 70% of the time, so I have just been watching the work from afar. Although I did provide the picture that inspired our new master bedroom to be :) That's something, right?

1 comment:

JnKcowcow said...

Kelli, I think it's awesome and perfectly normal. It's your way of nesting. ;) I can't wait to see what Chris does!