Friday, April 18, 2014

Not Endorsed by La Leche

The La Leche League definitely does not endorse the following post.
I've said it once and I'll say it again. Nursing is not my favorite thing. The second round has been easier. Everly and I picked it up faster than Elanora and me. It wasn't as stressful but still involves a little pain, being the only one that can feed at night, feeding little loves in comfortable places such as, backrooms, mother lounges and cars, and pumping.
Pumping is the worst! If pumping is the worst than pumping at work is just plan awful. 
Every once in a while the universe sends you awesome little gems of life that make you laugh so hard you almost pee your pants. These great experiences make the not so great experiences bearable.
One of these said experiences happened at work on Thursday. 
It was pump up the jam time so I grabbed all the equipment and headed to the assistant principles office . My school has a nice set up for all the pumping mothers (there are three of us). The ladies in the office have put butcher paper in the windows of the counselor's and assistant principle's offices that can be rolled and unrolled as needed. I'm lucky to have awesome co-workers who even decorated the butcher paper with pictures of funny babies for my entertainment.
   My favorite picture hanging on the paper is this one
Look at that cute baby's little face. Funny, right?
Anyway, I made my way to the office, where I discover that both rooms were in use. The assistant principle had a great idea. I could use the principles office because she was gone for the day. One butcher paper window. Being the problem solvers that we are, we found a lightweight, scarf-like blanket and some packing tape and I was in business.
  I was in business that is, until I heard a tearing sound. Yep you guessed it, I turned around to figure out what the noise was, just in time to see the blanket fall to the ground. Awesome. 
I jumped up, dropping all my equipment and ran to the window, all the while trying to pull my  bra back up and my shirt down. I grabbed the blanket and was holding it over the window while wrestling with my shirt. It wasn't working. I decided I needed to wrap myself in the blanket and take care of the shirt situation before anyone walked by and of course right then someone walked by. Luckily it was one of our female secretaries. She started laughing as she was yelling through the window, "What can I do to help."  (The door being locked, she couldn't help) I was laughing and adjusting. 
The counselor hearing the commotion started coming down the hall. Did I mention the counselor is a male? The secretary started shouting, "Don't come down here Spencer."
Don't worry, I got things sorted out with minimal flashing. Everyone involved laughed pretty much the whole day. 
Life is pretty awesome sometimes!  

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