Sunday, June 1, 2014

Recap and Moving On: May

May blew in with the fluffy clouds. Full of hope and change. She left with the heavy fog of disappointment. We're looking forward to the clarity and understanding that comes after the storm. Sometimes, you just have to trudge on sightless through the thick unyielding smog. When we exit the dense fog our eyes are opened and anew and the beauty found within the trees is breathtaking. *"...The price we paid to become acquainted with God was a privilege to pay, and I am thankful that I was privileged..."

Books I read this month:
* Runes by Ednah Walters (It was a free kindle book. I don't even remember what it was about. That's how good it was)
* Strength Finder 2.0 by Tom Rath (Very interesting. I took a little test and found out what my core strengths are)
* Dream Animals, A Bedtime Journey by Emily Winfield Martin (It's a children's book but I am absolutely in love with her art work. So in love that I bought 2 of her prints to hang on Nory and Ever's wall)
 The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver (Just started it. Ive heard good things. We'll see)

Music Mania
I have been streaming "The National" a lot this last month. With a dash of "MGMT"

Things Nory Bug was up to this last month:

* She is loving camping and fishing and asks to go every single day.
* Eating the inside of oreos and then dropping the "lids" of the cookies where     ever she happens to be wandering at the moment.
* Swinging, the only thing she wants to do at the park.
 * Playing with her cousins.

Things little Evs was up to this last month:
 * This baby loves to eat and is not afraid to throw a fit if we are eating and she isn't.
* Crawling around.
*She loves animals. When the cats come to her, her entire face lights up and she grabs handfuls of fur, laughing.
* She loves feeling the wind kiss her cheeks.

* The quote came from THIS talk.

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