Monday, June 16, 2014

School's out for Summer

School's out for summer!!! Unless, of course, your school is on a year round schedule. Boo!
We may not be able to party it up during the week but you can bet on the weekends we will be enjoying the almost-summer-goodness. 
Even though it's not even officially summer, I find myself already longing for cooler weather. I wanted snow and Nory wanted to go fishing, So Chris pulled this out of his magic hat...SNOW!!!


We woke up one fine Saturday morning and wanted to go on a spontaneous trip to the Uintah mountains. We decided, and in five minutes we were on our way. Well, maybe 5 minutes might have been a little more like 3 hours. With 2 wilds we need a lot of equipment and prep. 
 Both girls fell asleep in the car. One girlie woke up like this

And one woke up like this
 Little Evs loved the cool wind on her checks and big sister Nors perked up pretty fast. Nothing like a pit stop to cheer a gal up

 Nory will hate it one day, when I bust this little gem of a picture out to show people, but oh how I love it so! Chris is focused on tying a lure on our little fisherwoman's pole, Evsie is crawling around on the blanket, looking for rocks to stick in her mouth, and Nory Bug is, well I guess I don't have to spell it out. We carry that little potty everywhere we go. You never know when nature will call.
It was a fun day of perfect 56 degree weather and catching the "big one"
The big one just happened to be a stick. A day of beautiful waterfalls
A little hiking
A couple of rays of sunshine
(Maybe a little moon)
Chris and I love the outdoors and hope one day the girlies will also share our love of nature ( Ahhh, sappy much? )


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