Saturday, September 24, 2011

Life Lessons

In the Oxford Dictionary of English, which I conveniently have on my Kindle, 'competitive' is defined as 'having or displaying a strong desire to be more successful than others.'
This term has been used on a few occasions to describe certain people in my family. Let's just say that growing up, my parents learned very fast that board games should not be played in our household. My brother and I would end up yelling(that might be a little bit of an understatement) and my sister crying, helplessly trying to keep the peace. After only 4 or 5 "hungry hungry hippo" boards being thrown against the wall, board games were banned from the house.
Being a rational adult, I understand that my intensity can be a little over-whelming at times, so I try to control the crazy as much as possible. I try not to be the person screaming, "In your face!" or "We need to reread the rules." Unfortunately when I try to stifle the crazy, the worst thing that can happen to my personality happens...boredom. Me and boredom don't mix. Playing board games are so boring that I start to do things that are slightly more annoying than tackling someone when their gingerbread man gets to move to the snowflake queen space and my piece lands on the black dot making me lose a turn. I start to get bored. So I start to pretend I don't understand how to play and make people explain the rules over and over again. Then I do the thing that annoys those die hard board gamers the most...I CHEAT! Yes it is true I ruin the game for everyone by cheating.
There are a few times when the crazy can't be contained. One of which is when my favorite college football team plays my least favorite college football team.
I think there are life lessons to be learned from these games and this year is no different, (even though the game this year was not as exciting as past years) we should learn and grow from experiences in life. For example, the other morning I was so tired as I was cutting some veggies for my lunch that I almost cut my finger off. I thought to myself, "Man that was close, I'll keep cutting these carrots but will be a little more careful." Then I almost did it again and I thought, "Man, I'm really tired and not focused, I shouldn't be holding a sharp object." But unfortunately, I really wanted carrot sticks in my lunch. Well you can guess what happened, Not very fun my friends, no fun at all. Life lessons.

Very important, don't cut carrots when you're really tired and also equally as important, don't try to throw a football if you don't have one in your hands. GO UTES :)
Look how happy baby face was to see her team win!

1 comment:

becky rigby said...

Yay! I found your blog. I can't wait to blogstalk you. I love your hair by the way.