Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Recap and Moving on: Janurary

I love winter. It's comfort and contentment, like wrapping in a warm blanket and having soup, nice hot, thick soup. January works well with my person. The low clouds and blue sky. Freezing cold air kissing my nose and ears. Yes, I work well with winter.
Books I read this Month:
- 'Outlander' by Diana Gabaldon (It had good reviews. I wasn't impressed)
- 'Waking Kate' by Sarah Addison Allen (I read the sneak preview and can't wait to buy the book. I love her light writing style)
- 'Old Testament' (working on this one. The process is a little slow)
- 'Allegiant' by Veronica Roth (more or less the same as her other books in the series. I like them)
Ipod Playlist:
Because the Lil' Boss is boss and I absolutely love to hear her sweet little voice jammin' out in the back of the car and because she so politely requests 'Little Talks' and 'King and Lionheart' by Of Monsters and Men every single time we get in the car, my playlist mostly consisted of those 2 songs.
CDs I Dug in January:
- Ellie Gouldings, 'Haylcon Days'
-Bastilles, 'Bad Blood'
- Sleeping At Last. They are a new band to me and are pretty good (Thanks for the tip Dari)
Things Lil' Boss Loves to do:
-Make Birthday cakes out of play dough and sing happy Birthday to herself.
-Reminding us her Birthday is in March and she wants a big cake.
-Draw, Draw, Draw on the paper Daddy brings home from work.
-Help me cook.
-Go to nursery.
-Make up songs to sing.
-We have been working with her to say, "Excuse me" when she needs to interrupt us. She is killing it! Good girl.
- And apparently wearing awesome onsie jammies and moon boots.

Things the New Babylove Loves to do:
-Laugh and smile all the time
-Eat, Eat, Eat, every 2 hours
-Refuse to drink from a bottle
-Trick mom by sleeping from 10pm to 8am for days in a row and then bait and switch, waking up at 3:00am.
-Lay on the changing table and look at her sisters hair bows hanging on the wall.
-Reach for things.
-Get kisses and hugs from sister.


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