When my lil' babyface would eat she would be all smiles and happy, then out of the blue she would cry...more like scream for 20 mins. Nothing I did would calm her. I would hold her, put her in a swing, a bouncy chair, a car ride. Nothing stopped the crying until she would just fall asleep out of pure exhaustion. Needless to say, there was a lot of crying in our house. I'm not quite sure who cried the most, me or her. Her crying spells were happening almost 7 times a day. I took her to the Dr. and she said she had acid reflux, they gave her medicine and sent us home. Still crying and crying, my ears would ring because Nora would cry so loud. I took her to another Dr. and he put her on Prevacid and an anti-spasm medicine. The crying went down to about 4 or 5 times a day and not as long. But my baby girl was still in so much pain. I felt helpless and like a horrible mom because I couldn't fix my baby. I was tired and some days I would think to myself, "What did I get myself into?" Then I would feel so guilty because we had waited so long for this baby and I do love her so much. I thought I must be the worst mom for feeling that way and for not being able to help my baby.
Then Shalae, my beautiful sister-in-law (who sells stamps, her website is here)suggested a kinesiologist. I did some research and I'm not going to lie, the info. was really...hmm...interesting, to say the least. But it was like my dad said, he would do anything at this point to help my beautiful baby feel better. And if that meant eating a chicken head (not this chicken head...that's FiFi)
then he would eat a chicken head. Kinesiology did sound a little like voodoo, but luckily I didn't have to go to the deep dark forests of the amazon to find a witch doctor...I just had to go to Sugar House. And since the testing that would be done on Elanora was non-evasive(he hardly touched her)I thought I would give it a shot.
It would take too long to explain what he did. It only involved a little chatting and a few candles. This is his website. Have a look. He told me he was going to find her problem and treat that, not just the symptoms. That sounded good to me. I was nervous to take her there but it was painless and interesting. He found out she had a hiatal hernia(he said he fixed it) and that both her upper and lower digestive systems were immature. She couldn't break down the milk so it would sit in her tummy. It was pretty crazy because he said he could feel her energy through me and he told me to hold my arm up and try not to let him push it down. It was pretty easy to push down, then he put the enzyme that Nora's body needed to break down the milk on her belly. When he tried to push my arm down he couldn't. He did this three times to my arm and I was really trying to prove him wrong and in fact my arm was sore the next morning from trying so hard...yes I'm in that good of shape...AWESOME. But the results were the same every time.
He gave her all natural enzymes and probiotics. It has been a week and she is doing so good! Most days she doesn't have a crying spell. There's been 2 days right after we started her on the supplements that she had 1 crying spell a day. But nothing since. She is happier and I'm happier! It's wonderful! I hope that it continues to work. Oh the power of voodoo... for the record he didn't light any candles or chant but that would've been awesome, right? Right! This song sums up the experience. I should have just posted this instead of boring you with the details. It also includes the super cute David Bowie. Can't go wrong with a little Bowie!
I'm glad you found something that works!! Hopefully she continues to do great! She is soo cute!!
Voo-doo? Who-do? YOU-do!
It's a little sad that I didn't even watch the video and I know the words. Oh, I need to see Labrynth again and soon! :)
It's great that kinesiology worked! We all need a little magic in our lives, especially if it makes it a little easier to live. Don't ever feel guilty about those feelings of "What did I get myself into?" because EVERY mom as experienced them. You're completely normal. :) I'm just glad that little Nora can finally say, "You have no power over me...power over me...power over me....."
That's right. I'm a total geek.
First off, Karalee is so very right! Don't think you are the only mom to think those things about your kids, because ya aren't. And I'm with your dad. Whatever works and makes them feel better. Secondly, what a cute baby!! The chicken too. :) We will be in Utah this weekend so hope you are around.
I love that you took her and that it is working. I am all for homeopathic options. It just tells you that we are too closed-minded sometimes, to less traditional forms of healing. I bet there are so many ailments that could be fixed or helped if people were willing to try different options. I hope the success keeps up and I am excited to go out more now with you guys because you won't have to worry as much about her fussing. I sure love that baby girl of yours!... and I LOVE Labrynth.
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