Thursday, September 29, 2011

Not Quite Sunshine in Jar

I have a new obsession...Pinterest(I'm pretty sure I'm the first person to say this about Pinterest, I have always been an original thinker). But for some reason I can't remember the name Pinterest, so I always call it Pinster. Pinster has a nice ring to it.
I saw this------> yummy recipe on Pinster. It made me think of the Care Bear with the rainbow on her tummy. Oh, so sweet.
It seemed like a tricky recipe, baking is hard. So I recruited my 2 sweet nieces to help me

We had so much fun staining our clothes and my brothers really nice countertop with neon food dye. Don't worry my bro was out of town and I put a cup over the stain. When they move the cup to wash it, I'll be long gone and he will blame his kiddos. Perfect.

This is what the websites picture looked like:

This is what ours looked like:

Doesn't quite look like sunshine in a jar but we definitely had sunshine in our hearts. It just happens to look like we shoved that raindow flavored Care Bear into a blender and...well, sunshine in a jar, yummy


The Adams Family said...

You must teach me to make this sunshine in a jar:) You are such a fun mom and aunt! That is funny about the care bear in a blender thing! lol

Jay and Jess said...

That looks so fun! I think I might try it sometime!

becky rigby said...

This is why we're friends "Raindow flavored Care Bear into a blender"
we think alike. =) You are crazy. I love that you tried it. I'll have to show my attempt at some hostess cupcakes. Stay tuned. Haha

Kara said...

I like the look of yours better. Most definitely.

After we eat meat, my kids, after asking what animal it is they ate, say, "Mmm! Cows are YUMMY!" or "I ate all my cow, Mommy. May I get down now?"

Yeah, we're really high class.

I can just hear them after THIS dessert. "Ooh! Rainbow Bear tasted SO GOOD..." Thanks for the tip! I'll be making it tomorrow, friend!