Friday, November 11, 2011

The Day Heavenly Father Sent Me Flowers

I've always liked to learn. I was one of those crazy students in High School that honestly loved school and not just because I sat by the cute boy in history, although I in fact did sit by the cute boy :)My Kindle is chuck full of history, math, and science books. I'm currently reading Astronomy 101. I know, I know, I'm a pretty exciting person. Can you just imagine what my Friday night is like (it might involve changing stinky diapers, making up songs to the baby Mozart CD, then 8:00 bedtime story and a bedtime song).
But what I really love is when I learn an old concept in a new way...some might say having an epiphany or having an ah-ha moment (although I hate when people call it this, I don't know why I don't like it, I just don't. So if you are one of the everyone that calls it this, don't hate me because I don't like this little phrase, just don't say it in front of me :)) .
I had an epiphany Wednesday night at Relief Society. I know what you are thinking, "When did Kelli start going to Relief Society?" It just kinda happened...and don't tell anyone, but, I think I love to go now.
We had a yummy dinner and then two speakers from the ward spoke. Their talks were on service. This is where I have to be honest. Once I heard what they were going to be talking about, I was less then enthusiastic to listen. Thinking to myself, "It's service, what is there to learn? How many new angles can there be?" Boy was I wrong.
The speaker...we will just say her name starts with an "E" and ends with a "MILY." For the record, she makes really yummy food and she told me I could post this.
She told a story about when she was in college and like most college students she was on a tight budget. Squeaking by with just enough for groceries(or in my case forgoing the groceries for a concert is over rated anyway, right?). She described a day where she was running errands and she drove by a flower shop and thought to herself "Man, I wish I could buy myself some flowers today," but seeing that she was on a tight budget, she finished running her errands, not stopping to buy any flowers.
When she returned home, laying on her bed were flowers with a note from her friend. She asked her friend why she had given her flowers. Her friend replied "I felt an impression that I should buy you flowers, so I did." Emily, I mean "E" said that only One person knew that she had wanted those flowers, so that was the day that Heavenly Father sent her flowers.
She continued to say that she was telling another friend about the flowers and this friend was crying. Emily thought this was strange because although it was a great thing that had happened, it had happened to herself and she wasn't even crying. The friend told Emily that she had the same impression to buy her flowers but failed to act upon it. The story brought up two very good lessons. The first is that Heavenly Father loved her so much and knows us so well that He knew that she needed flowers that day. And He loved her so much that He prompted not one, but two people so that she would get her flowers.
The second lesson was, do we listen when Heavenly Father asks us to do something or does he have to ask someone else because we don't act upon the prompting?
Isn't it so wonderful to know that Heavenly Father knows us and loves us? There are many times when I think, "I should send a note or give someone a call." Then I second guess myself and say, "That's dumb, they don't want a note or call from me." and then Heavenly Father has to ask someone else.
I just hope the next time Heavenly Father gets an order for flowers, He'll choose me to deliver them :)

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