Friday, November 25, 2011


Due to the holiday season we've just embarked upon, and seeing that Thanksgiving is the first and quite possibly the most delicious stop on this years holiday ride, I feel that it would be apropos to write about the things that I am most thankful for.

To be honest, as I've reflected on Chris' and my journey together these past 9 years, I feel as if we have been blessed so abundantly and have been so happy that it seems almost unfair. We will never be able to give thanks enough.

We don't always have what we want, but we definitely always have what we need. We live pretty simple in a little house that may occasionally have a few leaks in the roof and not enough space for all the babyfaces clothes and equipment. A little house that is nestled in a very interesting neighborhood. But we think it's perfect(well Chris thinks it works functionally, i.e. a roof over our head, but thinks aesthetically it has a ways to go). We are so blessed and we are so happy!

Life has given us a few bumps and bruises and interesting plot twists to keep us on our toes along the way. The most interesting plot twist to our little earthly life story and definitely the one thing we feel most grateful and blessed for, is our sweet little Elanora.

When Chris and I got married, kids were a part of our picture perfect plan. As our two plans started to unfold and knit together, kids just didn't seem to be on our blueprints. A few years went by, and then a few more with no luck. Finally 7 years were laid out behind us and we were missing what we most desired.

So we mourned. We mourned for my perfect body that was functioning so imperfectly (we nicknamed me the 'red barren' ...long story about a talk in church, a red dress I was wearing, and laughing really hard). We mourned for our perfect family we were supposed to have, a mini van full of screaming, singing, fighting babies.

When I was too sad to continue Chris would pick me up. When he was too sad to keep on truckin' I would slowly continue on for the both of us.

We finally made the decision that we were going to have to have faith in our Heavenly Father's plan, whether or not that included kids. It was not easy. We started telling our families that we couldn't have kids, then a few months later I started to feel sick and 9 months later...

We are so thankful for Elanora. We are so thankful for each other and we are especially thankful for our faith to help us through this crazy world! Happy Thanksgiving!
(pictures and written adventures to come about baby girls first Thanksgiving... family, food, fun and the baby may or may not have thrown up on my dad, you will have to wait to see :))

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