Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Life Under the Big Top

Is there anything better then Halloween...I don't think so.
This year I decided that we need to celebrate my favorite holiday in style. Unfortunately for Chris that meant... COORDINATING COSTUMES!!! And because most days its a little like a circus around here, I thought we should run with it. So I made the executive decision that Chris would be the Strongman (because his muscles are super big and he is already so strong, he wouldn't need much of a costume). The baby would be a sweet little elephant and I would be the chick who performs with the elephants.
I also decided a few days before Halloween that because I had so much extra time on my hands and because I have never sewn a button on a shirt that I should make the costumes myself.
We only had 3 hot glue gun burns, 1 homemade muscle man costume that did turn out like the Internet said it would, 1 barbell that fell apart the minute the strongman picked it up(only because he was that strong), 1 baby who hated wearing her costume, and 1 mental breakdown due to post-pregnancy body image problems. Other then those minor problems the circus was up and running!
So without further adue I present to you Halloween '11

Notice the weights that fell off the barbell and Chris's awesome muscle that for some reason just look like balloons under panty hoes

I didn't make my costume, it was my sisters old ballet costume. I just cut it up and rearranged it and added ribbon to my plastic Mary Jane shoes.

Have you ever seen a cuter elephant? I had a red bow to go by her ears to match my outfit but alas I forgot it :( Because she is so cute, here is another picture of her.

She only lasted 6 pictures and then she was done being an elephant so I changed her into her backup Halloween costume

We also added disgusting new food to this years menu

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